Welcome to Drafters Meet Editors!

By our powers combined...

A Crazy Idea

Some writers live for the thrill of writing at top speed into the blue, but dread the prospect of sitting down to revise what they've written.

Other writers dread the blank page, but relish wrangling a wild and wooly manuscript into shape.

What if these people worked together, combining their strengths? What could we do?

Maybe not much! But it'll be fun to compare notes anyway.

Ok, but for real, what's going on here?

This is a website where we can compare answers to questions about our process and preferences as writers (mostly fiction to be honest, but hey, no one is judging). You make a public profile, answer as many and whichever cutesy quiz questions you feel like, and see who matches you best. Each answer lets you select for same or complementary answers in potential matches.

It got started when I (Andrew, programmer here) noticed a funny trend among my writing friends. Some people really like drafting, but not editing, while other people like editing, but not drafting. I thought it sure would be cool if these people could work together. That's where the idea to build a matchmaking site came from. Then I got started thinking about the other statistical fun we could have even if no one actually paired up to work together from this site. Pouring your soul into a writing project with someone you just met on the internet seems like it would be daunting in practice, but don't we also love chatting about what works and doesn't work for us? Now we can do it with numbers!

Right now there's not much more to it. If you want to talk to someone you find here, you just have to hope they put contact info in their summary. But if there's interest, maybe the site can support chat in the future, dedicated writing samples, discussions, or even go all the way with the dating-app joke and have swipe-based matchmaking. Have fun!